spirit world oil 1992 |
passage oil master's series W.S.U |
vapor lock oil master's series W.S.U |
passing oil master's series W.S.U |
yuba river series oil 2001 |
Sayulita after the rain. watercolor |
Sayulita cassita watercolor |
yuba river rocks watercolor |
yuba river sharpie and w.c. |
figure sketch conte |
yuba river illustration poetry by Craig Steiger sharpie |
edwards crossing sharpie and w.c. |
lake vera illustration for poetry book by Craig Steiger |
Craig's cabin lake vera illustration for poetry book by Craig Steiger sharpie |
Georgia O.Keefe and Michelangelo poster illustration nevada county arts council 1983 |
go left political cartoon the Union |
sierra festival of the arts illustration grass valley. ca. |
easter contest advertisement the union graa valle, ca. |
summer festival advertisement the union, grass valley, ca. |
no (yes) on NH20 political cartoon, the union |
diving rock yuba river @Washington, ca. sharpie and w.c. |
Craig at yuba river campsite sharpie and w.c. |
Santa Barbara sharpie and w.c. |
lost love oil master's series Wash. State university 1989 |
channeling oil masters series W.S.U. |
Linda and bailey oil 2009 |
lupin on buttermilk trail bridgeport, ca. oil 2005 |
edwards crossing oil 1994 |
Mendicino coast oil 2008 |
signature piece master's series oil W.S.U. 1989 |
reflections yuba river 1991 |
from our hotel Rome oil 2005 |
after the storm round mountain nevada city oil 2006 |
dust to dust master.s series W.S.U oil 1989 |
backyard trees nevada city oil 1999 |
love again master's series W.S.U. oil 1989 |
La Plata Canyon, Colorado oil 2003 |
spider plant oil 1987 |
irony oil 1988 |
plant explosion oil 1998 |
edward's crossing yuba river oil 2006 |
lower bridgeport yuba river 2003 |
aspens at Toll cabin La plata Canyon, Colorad oil 1994 |
edward's crossing yuba river oil 2003 |
cubist flowers oil 1976 |
morning hike New Mexico oil 2004 |
Cinco oil 1978 |
front porch oil 2001 |
backyard fence oil 2005 |
still life w/yellow flowers oil 2006 |
Oaxaca courtyard oil 2004 |
high street Pullman. Wash. oil 1987 1987 |
rest stop Nevada oil 2001 |
road to purdin crossing Nevada City. Ca. oil 1987 |
yuba river @ bridgeport oil 1995 |
lighthouse on Mendicino coast oil 1999 |
old bridge middle fork, yuba river oil 2001 |
river flow yuba river oil 2001 |
river moths yuba river oil 2007 |
yuba shadows oil 2001 |
road trip utah oil 2001 |
passage master's series W.S.U 1989 |
into the light roadtrip oil 2001 |
Oaxaca church oil 2004 |
beach access Mendicino coast 2008 |
yuba river @ lower bridgport oil 2003 |
yuba river oil 2003 |